By forming the third study cycle at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Banja Luka, the principle of “vertical mobility” envisaged by European documents on higher education has been fulfilled. This study cycle has provided the students with the opportunity to advance scientifically and professionally, to publish their research, to participate in clinical and basic studies, etc.
After completing their studies, the doctoral students are trained to perform research in medical science, to publish and present their research, as well as to participate and lead scientific and clinical studies, both at home and abroad.
The enrolment conditions are defined by the Law on Higher Education (Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska 67/20) and the Study Rules of the third study cycle. The curriculum is based on the experience of the universities in Bologna, Belgrade, Heidelberg, Ljubljana, Zagreb, Novi Sad. All courses are conceived in a modern way, i.e. they follow the trends in contemporary studies.
The study programme of the third cycle of Biomedical Sciences is based on the following documents:
One of the key tendencies of the Bologna Process is providing internationally recognized diplomas and cooperation between higher-education institutions in regards to the implementation of higher education programmes.
The plan for the realisation of doctoral studies in Biomedical Sciences at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Banja Luka is to provide the doctoral students the opportunity to perform a part of their research in research centers in the Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and part in research centres abroad. Researchers and teachers from international universities are involved.
The main formal academic parameters for doctoral studies in Biomedical Sciences are:
The abovementioned parameters enable efficient mobility of study programmes along the vertical and horizontal criteria, which means the acceptance of credits according to the criteria of certain higher education institutions in the European Union.
During the study period, it is intended for the student to conduct theoretical and practical lectures, as well as the mandatory part of the student’s independent research work. Theoretical teaching is reduced to a minimum, while practical student activities (laboratories, research centres, institutes, etc.) make for the dominant part of the teaching. The most significant activities for the doctoral candidates are:
These activities will contribute to student independence in scientific work.
7.1. Knowledge
7.2. Skills
7.3. Attitudes
The aim of the study program:
The main aim of doctoral studies is to train students in the following:
The academic title attained upon completion of doctoral studies in Biomedical Sciences
Students who complete doctoral studies in BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES attain the academic title Doctor of Medical Sciences (depending on the elective courses – basic medicine, clinical medicine, preventive medicine, molecular medicine, public health), Doctor of Dental Sciences, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Doctor of Health Sciences.
Conditions of enrolment
The following candidates may enroll in the doctoral programme in BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES at the Faculty of Medicine in Banja Luka:
Professor Miloš Stojiljković, PhD, Head of the 2nd and 3rd study cycle:
Slavica Serdar Janjuš, Officer for the 2nd and 3rd study cycle:
Telephone: 051/234-139