About us

Overview of the medical school

The Faculty of Medicine of the University of Banja Luka (hereinafter referred to as the Faculty) is a leading academic institution in the Republic of Srpska (RS) and Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), achieving outstanding results in education, scientific research, knowledge and technology transfer, and innovation in the field of biomedicine and health care. In addition to its continuous efforts to improve the teaching process, the Faculty highlights its internationally recognised scientific productivity, intensive international cooperation, commitment to continuing professional development and lifelong education for its alumni, social responsibility, and significant contribution to the overall progress of society and the community as its greatest achievements over the 46 years of its existence.

Recognising the clear need for highly qualified professionals, doctors of medicine, the University of Banja Luka (hereinafter referred to as the University) initiated the establishment of the Faculty in 1976. After intense preparations lasting almost two years, the Faculty was established on 17 March 1978, by Decision No 01-012-33/78 of Banja Luka Municipal Assembly. By its Decision UP-I-03-612/36 of 21 November 1978 the Republic Secretariat for Education, Science, Culture and Physical Education of the Socialist Republic of B&H gave its consent for the Faculty to start operating.

Shortly after its establishment, the Faculty became one of the key members of the University, and it continues to demonstrate leadership in establishing and improving standards in the development of teaching, scientific, and professional activities that are significant for the entire University. Operating in the field of biomedicine and health care, it has a significant impact on the overall development of the health care system in the RS. One of the key years in the Faculty’s development was 1989, when, in collaboration with different institutes and clinics, teaching at postgraduate studies started in the field of occupational medicine. Moreover, the first doctoral dissertations in this period later accelerated the Faculty’s scientific and research potential.

Until 1994, the Faculty exclusively offered the educational programme in Medicine with a Doctor of Medicine degree (MD). In that year, the Study Programme of Dentistry was established with the profile of Doctor of Dentistry, which was changed in 2019. to Doctor of Dental Medicine. One year later, in 1995, the Study Programme of Pharmacy was launched, with the profile of Master of Pharmacy. Recognizing the need to further develop its human resources and meet the demands of the professional community, the Faculty initiated the establishment of postgraduate studies in Biomedical Research in 1996.

As of 2007, the University has been integrated, with all faculties, including the Faculty, operating as part of the University. In addition, B&H signed the Bologna Declaration in 2003, which the University began applying in all study programmes as of the academic year 2007/08. It entailed a three-cycle study system/structure and the introduction of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) for evaluating the courses and the total student workload. The Faculty continued to develop, alongside its structural and organisational changes. In the academic year 2007/08, the Faculty established the Study Programme of Health Care and Nursing, with the profile of Bachelor of Health Care and Nursing.

By adopting the Law on Higher Education of the RS (hereinafter referred to as the Law on HE) in 2010 the relevant Ministry of Education and Culture of the RS fully redefined the principles of higher education in line with the Bologna Declaration. In 2018, higher education fell within the competence of the Ministry of Scientific and Technological Development, Higher Education and Information Society. In accordance with its roles and the demands of the labour market, in 2018 the Faculty introduced new first-cycle study programmes in the field of health sciences: Midwifery, Physiotherapy, Radiological Technology, Nursing, Sanitary Engineering, and Medical Laboratory Diagnostics. At the same time, vertical mobility was established in health studies through the accreditation of second-cycle study programmes, including the Master of Health Studies – Health Care and Nursing module and Radiological Technology module, and a new specialization in Child and Youth Mental Health (2019), as well as Master’s programmes in Physiotherapy (2022) and Medical Laboratory Diagnostics (2024) (Link).

Today, the Faculty has in its setup the integrated studies of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy, the first and second cycles of Health Studies, and the third cycle – Biomedical Sciences. Since the academic year 2022/2023, the Study Programme of Medicine has been innovated and fully aligned with European directives (Directive 2005/36/EC and 2013/55/EU of the European Parliament and the Council on the recognition of professional qualifications), which covers the content and scope of theoretical and practical education. The programme has been offered in parallel in the English language, significantly increasing the number of international students, thereby fulfilling the long-awaited strategic goals of the Faculty and the University – internationalisation and greater international visibility.

Хронологија развоја Медицинског факултета

Image 1. Chronology of the development of the Faculty

Since its establishment, over 2,300 doctors of medicine, more than 500 doctors of dentistry, and the same number of Master of Pharmacy graduates have completed their studies at the Faculty. Doctors of Medicine and Dental Medicine, Masters of Pharmacy and other professionals in the field of health sciences, alumni of the Faculty, to a great extent meet the needs of the health care system in the RS, where they successfully integrate after completing their education. Many of our alumni are internationally recognised experts and hold key positions in domestic institutions, bodies, or committees. They also continue their academic and/or specialist education and regularly attend lifelong learning programmes.

Дипломирани студенти Медицинског факултета по студијским програмима и циклусима студија

Image 2. Graduated students of the Faculty by study programmes and study cycles


The Faculty of Medicine has devotedly followed its mission to provide its students and members of staff, through a stimulating environment, with academic and research competences to help them achieve professional standards necessary for an overall healthcare, economic, and social progress, in line with both domestic and international priorities.

In this respect, we intend to:

  • Improve and strengthen our position within the context of competitive market by aligning our academic and professional efforts with global standards;
  • Offer a wide range of study programmes that are constantly adapted to the latest academic results and scientific discoveries, as well as to the needs of  contemporary health systems;
  • Provide our students with the highest quality of teaching process and academic research;
  • Create a comfortable and stimulating environment for the members of staff to pursue their professional and academic careers;
  •  Apply a flexible and dynamic model of organisation;
  • Champion the involvement of students, members of academic and administrative staff, and representatives of social community as regards the design of both academic and managerial activities of the Faculty;
  • Cooperate with international institutions; and
  • Promote and create ultimate scientific results that enable the use of knowledge as the most important resource for achieving success in globalised processes.


The Faculty of Medicine is determined to realise its vision of becoming a recognisable institution at regional and international levels through excellence in teaching process and academic research, with a view to contributing to the improvement of healthcare system by means of its capacities.

Bearing this in mind, we would like to represent a higher education institution that:
Openly, readily, and in full capacity accepts the anticipated changes in the domain of higher education as regards medicine and healthcare;
Provides its students with professional knowledge that easily adapts to varying academic standards of national, regional, and international environment;
Strengthens internationalisation and student mobility programmes and equips students with the tools necessary to succeed in the global society;
Promotes the improvement of academic staff competences;
Applies new teaching technologies
Constantly develops a quality assurance system
Improves the efficiency of studying at all levels;
Secures the permanent participation of students in all segments of teaching, academic research, and managerial process.
Continuously develops and improves relationships with key figures of healthcare system, with business community, and with alumni organisations in order to obtain feedback information necessary for advancements in all aspects of academic life;
Supports the process of attaining financial independence through offering a range of healthcare services to general population and through encouraging innovations in education and research;
Acts in accordance with the highest achievements in the fields of medical and multi-disciplinary research for the purpose of furthering knowledge for the benefit of healthcare institutions and its own development;
Meets international standards as regards its own doing business and introduction of strategic management as a framework for future decision-making processes.