From 22nd to 26th May the OSCE exam was held for the first time at the Medical Faculty, University of Banja Luka. The exam is implemented as a result of IQPharm project. Professor Josipa Bukić from the University of Split supervised the exam and offered valuable advices. The students described the experience as stressful, but exciting and useful. The teaching stuff from the University of Banja Luka and the members of the IQPharm project team would like to thank the colleges Vesna Antunović, Valentina Topić Vucenović, Uglješa Maličević, Đorđe Đukanović, Milica Gajić and Nikolina Vesić, who participated as actors and helped in conducting the exam. We are looking forward to the new era in pharmacy education, that IQpharm project helped us bring!