Study Guide


Rules and Regulations

It is important to be aware of the Rules and Regulations that apply at the University of Banja Luka. You can read about the Rules and Regulations here and about Disciplinary Responsibility here.

The Expenses of the University 2023/2024 can be viewed here.

The Expenses of the University 2024/2025 can be viewed here



Notice Board and E-student

On the website there is a Notice Board where professors and assistants post relevant information about classes, exams etc.

You should regularly visit this webpage to be informed about the latest news regarding your classes.



E-student platform

Once registered at the Faculty you will receive your User Name and password for the E-student platform.

E-student is a website portal to be used for information and registration of exams, an overview of grades, ECTS credits, enrolment and profile information, etc.



E-mail address and ID cards

Email address

When enroling to the Faculty, the student acquires the right to the student Faculty e-mail address, which they have until the end of their studies. The e-mail address is created according to the form:

Everyone is required to log into their email as soon as possible to make sure everything is working and to receive notifications. As all emails are on the Google platform, it is very easy to set them up on phones and computers. If the student uses e-mail on the phone, simply create a new Google account and enter your username ( and password, and access your e-mail via the GMAIL shortcut on your phone. If you use the e-mail via computer, then you can directly access it via If someone has problems accessing the email, please contact the Student Affairs Office.

Student ID card

When enroling to the Faculty, the student acquires the right to the student Faculty ID card. You are required to use your ID card when entering all healthcare facilities, as well as at all exercises and colloquiums when you put on your coats.



Study Guides

In the Study Guides, you can read more about the history and establishment of the Faculty, the Study programmes and courses, the Library, studies in the Bologna process, ECTS credits, the Curriculum, Examination terms etc.




When enroling into each semester, the student needs to fill in and submit to the Student Affairs Service: the Enrolment semester sheet, Semester sheet and the Statistical Form (Statistical form only at the enrolment into the winter semester), along with the index and proof of payment of the 42 KM enrolment fee.

When the student needs a student certificate, they are to fill in the Request form and send or bring it to the Student Affairs Office.